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Self-Service Solutions

Increasingly, customers expect the opportunity to connect with your institution, regardless of where they are or what device they’re using. Increasingly, customers demand that they maintain control over their money management experience and that the experience is fast, easy, convenient and remains private. As a result, financial institutions are beginning to optimize their self-service offerings in order to meet the growing demands of their customers and regulatory oversight while taking advantage


Maintaining a data center can be challenging for any organization, regardless of size. Fuerza TECNASA is prepared to work with you every step of the way in order to maximize your strategy and allow you to create the optimal data center ecosystem, customized for your specific needs.


Fuerza TECNASA is prepared to design and build state-of-the-art data centers that meet the classifications of the Uptime Institute’s tier standard system. The higher the tier level, the greater the expected availability of data processing from the hardware at a location. Having your datacenter tier-certified will solidify your reputation and boost the confidence in your services in end users.

Design & Consulting

Data centers vary in sizes — they can occupy one room of a building, multiple floors or even an entire building. Typically, the majority of the equipment are servers mounted and contained on racks, which are usually placed in single rows forming aisles between them, allowing people to access the front and rear of each rack. With 15 years’ experience in data center design and consulting,


IT operations are one of the most crucial aspects of most organizational operations around the world. Organizations rely on their information systems to operate efficiently and effectively and an organization’s operations may be impaired or stopped completely if a system becomes unavailable. As a result, in order to minimize disruption, it is necessary to provide a reliable infrastructure for IT operations.

Outsource Technology

At TECNASA, we are focused on you, enabling you to focus on what really matters — your organization. The culture of service that we’ve cultivated places a priority on your business and allows you to pay attention to what works, what doesn’t work and growing your business.

Hybrid Platform

The world is not black and white and neither is your IT infrastructure. TECNASA can help you in finding the right mix for your unique business operations, helping you achieve cloud agility with the IT predictability you’re accustomed to. At TECNASA, we help you navigate the cloud, not only helping you decide what to migrate, but with building your own private cloud and partnering to offer world-class cloud services outside your business.

Trusted Operations

Over a number of years, many clients have confidence that TECNASA will provide business continuity solutions that keep their operation running. Through careful planning and consideration, we ensure your IT infrastructure is resilient, recoverable and prepared to cope with whatever the world throws your way.