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End-User Computing

In the ever-evolving digital world we live in, the end-user computing environment is shifting rapidly. Today, end-user computing is no longer merely about managing laptops and desktops. Your end users are using two, three, even four devices — all with different functionality, operating systems, security requirements, and shapes and sizes. As a result, you need to support user access to services, applications and data on any device, anywhere.

Outsourcing of Payroll Processing

Payroll processing or payroll management can be a complex and time-consuming process. With the payroll outsourcing services, your Payroll teamcan free up time and perform activities that generate more profits and more important value added proyects. In addition, errors can be prevented, as manual payroll or payroll processing can be a simple activity at first, but can become difficult over time.

Payroll Software as a Service (SaaS)

Preparing a payroll is much more than ensuring that your employees receive their salary in a timely manner. It also includes compliance with wage tax and keeping records of payments to employees and creditors. These activities are vital, so they must be done carefully and with meticulous attention to detail. If the payroll or payroll is not organized, not only will the employees be upset, but your company will be penalized for non-compliance.

Human Capital Management

Your people are vital to the success of your organization and managing their performance, their expectations, and needs, will have a significant impact on whether or not you succeed. Not only does human capital management involve leading, motivating, rewarding, inspiring and encouraging your workforce, it also involves hiring, evaluation, benefits manament, education management, growth paths, termination processes, and record keeping.


Security is no longer optional. As physical attacks and data breaches continue to occur across the financial industry, the pressure on financial institutions to secure their most sensitive data is increasing quickly. Financial institutions are spending more than ever to remain in compliance with government and industry mandates and regulations. Furthermore, physical and logical attacks have the potential to cost institutions millions of dollars in addition to what they’re currently spending on security measures.

Self-Service Channel Management

The banking environment of today is very different than it was just 10 years ago. It is more complicated, involves more channels and has different characteristics than ever before. By leveraging the right combination of cash management, security management, video and transaction management, password management, hardware and software maintenance as well as IT monitoring, support tasks and remote management of end users through our state-of-the-art Visiontec platform, TECNASA is able to take a holistic approach to managing your multi-channel banking environment.

Point of Sale Software

Running a successful business involves delivering a great experience for the customer that begins with a flexible and agile point-of-sale system, allowing your business to continue to operate at peak performance, properly manages your inventory, keeps track of your sales and merchandise, provides accurate reports

Banking and ATM Software

Banking and ATM Software offers your self-service machines direction, and tells them what to do— it is the brain behind your self-service devices. This software can provide valuable information about how customers are making transactions and using your ATMs and can help you plan for uninterrupted service. Our state-of-the-art banking and ATM software solutions, including event management, cash management, marketing solutions and software assurance,